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joint venture corporation中文是什么意思

用"joint venture corporation"造句"joint venture corporation"怎么读"joint venture corporation" in a sentence


  • 合资公司


  • Building design joint venture corporation
  • Study on managerial skill utilization in the sino - foreign joint venture corporations
  • There are three terminating form as a joint venture corporation : self - disbandment , be purchased by one side of joint venture , be purchased by the third party
  • Since the reform and opening - up to the outside world more than 20 years , joint venture corporation has made great contribution to our economical construction
  • The sample survey of mickency consulting shows that about 78 percent of joint venture corporation purchased by one side of jv ; 17 percent was self - disbanded and 5 percent purchased by the third party
    著名管理咨询公司麦肯锡公司的抽样调查表明, 78的合资企业被合资一方购买, 17以自行解散终结,另有5的合资企业被第三者购买。
  • Model iv explains the termination of the joint venture corporation : after the proofs we deduce that the instability of structure result in the termination of joint venture , and we discuss the four reasons why one side of joint venture purchase the corporation
  • Thank to the back from both governments , advantageous conditions of the local market and the effort and intelligence that the management team has infused , this joint venture corporation , makes fairly good benefits , presenting itself as a preferred and household textile maker in mali
  • Saintech digital & electronic huizhou co . , ltd is a joint venture corporation etablished in china in asia pacific region for sun trade ' s global strategy , which entirely take the charge for the sales and promotion for sun trade ' s keen - brand “ sd ” and its digital product in chinese mainland market
    圣德(惠州)数码电子有限公司是德国圣德公司在亚太中国区设立的合资公司,全面负责拓展德国圣德公司新锐品牌? ?圣德品牌及其数码产品在中国区的销售与推广。
  • And a case study about the termination of a sino - foreign joint venture corporation is detached . after the analysis and reasoning in the last two chapters , we found that the foreign multinational corporation has the strong preference to purchase the joint venture . so as introducing the foreign capital , we must realize soberly that joint venture is only an instrument but not the ultimate target
用"joint venture corporation"造句  


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